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Technology Guides for Students

A central place for common technology-related questions and solutions for students at Viterbo University.
To record and share a presentation, consider the following options:


1) EchoVideo (a.k.a. Echo360) EchoVideo

Viterbo's video platform is available for students to use! Students can record and share videos via EchoVideo, including video from mobile devices.  Click here to learn more.

Click here to view a how-to video explaining Echo360 for students. (Note that the video references a previous version of Moodle, but the features still apply.)

2) Microsoft Teams

  1. Open the Teams app or go to and log in with your Viterbo email/password.
  2. Click the Calendar icon on the left
  3. Click “Meet Now” (upper right)
  4. Set up your screen (share presentation, test recording—if needed)
  5. Click the three dots in the menu then select “Start recording”
  6. Stop the recording when you are finished
  7. You should receive an email when you recording is finished
  8. Share your recording (via OneDrive or by uploading to EchoVideo)—but make sure your instructor has access by logging in and checking to make sure the link can be opened!

3) Zoom

ZoomThough student accounts have a 40-minute limit, the familiarity of Zoom makes it a good option for recording presentations. See the links below to learn more.

Note: Remember to log in via with your Viterbo email/password.

Additional Screencasting Options

Record the screen while you view/record your presentation. This option is preferred for sharing presentations (with or without PowerPoint) with others.

Recording audio in a PPTX file

If you have already recorded your presentation within PowerPoint, you can "Save as..." an MP4 file and upload to Echo360.

Note that this method of recording and sharing PowerPoint presentations is *not* recommended unless you are unable to record using other screencasting methods. Additional notes:

  • You *cannot* upload a PPTX file to Echo360 (as a video). You must save it as an .mp4 first.
  • When you save the PPTX file as a .mp4 file, it may take a long time (minutes to hours) and it may fail, thus the reason that Viterbo cannot and does not support recorded (narrated) PowerPoints as a presentation recording option.

Sharing a link to a video:


Please use Echo360, Teams, Zoom, or another screencasting method to record your presentations.
Consider the following options if you have a large file or video that you need to share with others:

Note that this method of recording and sharing PowerPoint presentations is *not* recommended unless you are unable to record using other screencasting methods.

Or, use the text editor to add your video presentation to Moodle: