2c. You have three choices when it comes to searching for articles: databases, the library catalog, and the Internet. Searching the library's catalog was detailed in Step 2a. Internet searches are explained in Step 2d. We suggest you begin your initial searches with either a database or the catalog, and we'll explain the way to begin database searching for articles below. Depending upon the database you are using, articles may be displayed in different formats:
Article databases provide you with 24/7 access to magazine, journal and newspaper articles through the library's web page. To help you identify the most appropriate database for your topic/subject, choose either a subject-specific database or a multidisciplinary database. Both are available by going to the library's homepage, and clicking on the Databases link under "Research". You may also find databases selected for your topics by using the Subject Guides set up by librarians. These are found on the library's homepage.
Although databases vary, basic search strategies work well in most. Watch the quick overview below, and remember the key concepts, and you'll feel confident accessing and searching.
Looking for articles on your topic? Begin with a database, and select one of the many available from the Viterbo Library's Database List. (This list is located on the "Research" tab of the library's homepage.) If you know the database you're looking for like Cinahl, ERIC or Academic Search Complete, select it from the list. If you'd like a list of recommended databases, try Subject Guides.
Once you enter a database, type in some keywords. A rule of thumb is "less is more." In other words, don't put in full sentences, but use single words or short phrases. Also, try you main topic word plus one or two subtopic word choices. It helps to keep your searching simple.
Here are some tips and suggestions about accessing databases:
If you come across an article you need for your research, and the Library does not provide full-text access to it in print or electronic format, request it through Interlibrary Loan. We have tutorials available for you to learn how to use Interlibrary Loan.
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