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Research Process: 2b. Find Videos

No matter what stage of the research process you're at--only beginning, stuck in the middle, or finishing up with citation polishing--this guide is a great resource for you.

Find Videos

Step 2b: Video searching may take place in the library's catalog, in some databases, and on the Internet.

Ask yourself why you need a video, and that may help you decide what type of video you need.

  • Is it something you need to share with a class? If so, consider using a video from the library's collection.
  • Or, do you need to inform yourself about your topic? You have other options besides the library's collection, and video services on the Internet may be a place to turn.

Locating Videos in the library catalog

Watching this short video tutorial will give you an overview of how to search for and locate videos from the library's catalog.

Remember, when searching for videos, you have two options:

1. Use the left-hand column and put a check mark into the video category

2. Begin with the "advanced search." Scroll down to "format" and choose "video" or "DVD."

Video Sharing Sites

Listed below are a few of the hundreds of online video sharing sites on the Internet.

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