The world of eBooks is constantly changing - not only are we adding more eBooks to our collection every day, but the subscription policies and user interface of our eBook vendors are in a constant flux. This guide is intended to provide very general step-by-step instructions for reading, downloading, finding, and using eBooks in our eBook collections. Follow the tabs at the top to find information on how to use EBSCO eBook Collection, Gale Virtual Reference Library, and CREDO Reference. A compilation of common questions can be found by clicking the eBook FAQ tab.
eBook titles can be searched through WorldCat Discovery, our library catalog. Just as you can search for a print book with a simple one or two word phrase, you can search for eBooks with a phrase, or if you know it, the title or author.
To read and access an eBook:
1. Click "View eBook" in the results list.
2. You will be redirected to EBSCO eBook Collection, Gale Virtual Reference Library, or CREDO Reference. Choose the appropriate tab at the top of the page for the next step.
1. Click the title of the eBook.
2. Click the "View eBook" link under the "Access Options" heading.
3. You will be redirected to EBSCO eBook Collection, Gale Virtual Reference Library, or CREDO Reference. Choose the appropriate tab at the top of the page for the next step.