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Virtual Displays: March 2022 - National Nutrition Month

March 2022 - National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month 2022 

National Nutrition Month was officially recognized in 1980 after 7 years as National Nutrition Week. Created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, formally the American Dietetic Association, as a way to distribute nutrition education and promote the profession of dietetics.  It now is acts as education and information campaign  focusing "on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits."

Read more about National Nutrition Month here.  

Food Science

Food, Society, & History

Clean Water

Agnes Tan Science Symposium

You know what else is important to Nutrition?  Clean Water!  

The Agnes W.H. Tan Science Symposium "What’s in our drinking water?" will be held March 25th at Viterbo.  In person and virtual options are available. 

Erin Brockovich will kick it off Thursday, March 24th.  

Attendance is free but registration is required.  Regester here: 


Ethics and Sustainability