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Virtual Displays: October 2024 - LGBTQ+ History Month

LGBTQ+ History Month - 2023

In 1994, Rodney Wilson, Missouri's first openly gay school teacher, believed a month should be dedicated to the celebration and teaching of gay and lesbian history. He found support with  other teachers and community leaders and they selected October.  October was selected not just because public schools are in session but because the first and second LGBT Marches on Washington occurred in October and because existing traditions, such as Coming Out Day (October 11), occur that month. 

According to the Equality Forum: "The LGBT community is the only community worldwide that is not taught its history at home, in public schools or in religious institutions. LGBT History Month provides role models, builds community and makes the civil rights statement about our extraordinary national and international contributions."

Check out resources and books below to learn more LGBTQ+ history.

Begin your research in one of these databases in the library:

 - LGBTQ+ Topics in Academic Search Complete

 - LGBTQ+ Topics in Credo Reference

 - LGBTQ Topics from Atla Religion Database

 - LGBTQ+ Topics in Gale Opposing Viewpoints

LGBTQ+ History