Using an Entire Work or Using the Same Work for Multiple Semesters
Link to licensed library resources!
If you need to provide access to an entire work, do not copy it to your course shell. Instead, you can provide links to licensed library resources such as eBooks, Journals, or Videos.
Using links instead of posting electronic versions of articles (i.e., an Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word document) into Moodle avoids potentially infringing electronic copying and distribution. Alternatively, allowing students to find the work on their own reinforces needed research skills. If you need help in locating appropriate scholarly articles or journals for your class, please contact the Library.
Note on Linking to Library Resources
If you copy the database link for an article or other resource from the browser address bar, this link is temporary and will also not work for students when they are off-campus. Persistent Links are stable links that will always take students to a specific full-text article. In EBSCO databases, this is called a "Permalink".
Videos and other media may be used by students and faculty for educational -- but not commercial -- purposes, such as:
If a video is library-owned, the Instructional Support Services staff will digitize the video so it may be posted in Moodle. There are restrictions for online courses. Fill out a request form. The process may take several weeks.
Limits do not necessarily apply to public domain content or content available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License.
In the creation of learning objects using segments of multimedia, a citation to the original source of copyrighted material is required, as well as a notice such as: "certain materials are included under fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law...and are restricted from further use."
When searching for audio and visual materials to include in courses or assignments: