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How do I...?: EBSCO's Updated Interface


In December of 2024, the library switched over to EBSCOhost’s updated user interface.  This change will affect all of EBSCO’s research databases, including Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, APA PsycArticles & PsycINFO, Business Source Complete, ATLA, and all others.

EBSCO has made these upgrades to enhance the research experience, and to meet industry-standard accessibility guidelines.  The search screen will look different than you are used to, but still functions the same, enabling you to use limiters such as date range, peer-reviewed, and full text.  

You can find resources on this page that will help you understand the changes.

Updated Features

EBSCO's updated features include:

  • Simplified and clean search page
  • Intuitive limiters and facets to find specific resources with less hassle
  • Sticky filters (all filters will remain applied despite modifying the search query, until they are deselected or cleared by the user)
  • Database specific limiters in dropdown list for cleaner navigation
  • Permalinks are no longer needed (browser URLs are now stable, meaning that they can now be copied directly from the browser, making it even easier to share or bookmark articles and other research resources) 
  • My Dashboard: Log in to save articles, view search history, review checkouts and holds and organize resources by project (*this is your own personal EBSCO account which you set up, NOT your Viterbo info which you use to log-in to databases off campus*).

User Interface Updates

Video Tutorial